7001 South Park Ave., Tacoma, WA 98408
Phone #: (253) 475-6335


St Ann Parish Finance Council News for November 2018


The Saint Ann Finance Council met on January 2nd.  The Parish financial report for November 2018 was reviewed. Through November, Parish Operations had net loss of $11,033 for the Fiscal Year. Expenses include several maintenance and repair projects that have cost $66,506. Although income is above the budget amount, the net effect of the projects is the current loss for the year to date. The Parish is doing well financially, and the current deficit will likely be eliminated by the end of the Fiscal Year.


It is very important that we maintain and upgrade our Parish Facilities to keep them safe and serviceable for parishioners. Upcoming projects include permanent repairs to the Church Roof and replacement of the door closers in the Church. Thank you all for your financial support and donations of time and talent to keep our Parish operating.

Bob Richardson